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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Virginia Safari Park does not have a lot of animals. True or False?
What activities can you do in the Virginia Safari Park?
What animals can you see in the Virginia Safari Park? Mention at least four!
The third speaker did not enjoy her experience in the South Africa. True or False?
The third speaker was attacked by a horse in the South Africa. True or False?
The third speakers saw Giraffes, springboks and horses in the Africa. True or False?
What animals can you see in Disney World's Animal Kingdom? Mention at least three!
You can only see lions in Disney World's Animal Kingdom. True or False?
Disney World's Animal Kingdom Park is in the Orlando, Florida. True or False?
Take a look at the picture. Which one do you think it is: Disney Park Animal Kingdom, Virginia Safari Park, or South Africa?
Take a look at the picture. Which one do you think it is: Disney Park Animal Kingdom, Virginia Safari Park, or South Africa?
Take a look at the picture. Which one do you think it is: Disney Park Animal Kingdom, Virginia Safari Park, or South Africa?