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Winter Trivia
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What is estivation?
Similar to hibernation but occurs during hot months.
True or False? Some female bears have babies during hibernation.
True or False? During the winter the heart rate for many animals slows to less than 10 beats per minute.
True or False? Some insects hibernate during winter.
True or False? One inch of rain during the summer equals one inch of snow during the colder months.
False. One inch of rain during the summer equals ten inches of snow during the colder months. Snow contain a lot of air that adds to its bulk.
True or False? The country with the snowiest city is found in the country of Japan.
True. Aomori City in northern Japan receives more snowfall than any major city on the planet. Each year citizens are pummeled with 312 inches, or about 26 feet,
What was the official mascot of the 2018 Winter Olympics?
A white tiger named Soohorang.
True or False? Nearly 90% of snow is air.
True or False? The North pole is colder than the South pole.
False. The North pole is warmer than the South pole.
True or False? The first candy canes were made without stripes.
What color is the fur of an arctic fox in winter?
What mythic creature do many people believe lives in the Himalayas of Nepal?
Abominable Snowman / Yeti
In 1983 the coldest temperature ever was recorded. It was -89 degrees Celsius . On what continent was it recorded?
Where will the 2022 Winter Olympics be held?
What country has the most gold medals in Olympic Ice Hockey?
What can freshwater turtles survive without for many weeks in winter? (They don't need ___________.)
air / oxygen / to breathe
Where do Japanese snow monkeys (nihonzaru) go to keep warm in winter?
Hot Springs
Which months mark the beginning and end of the winter season respectively?
December and March
What is the name of the medical emergency that occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce it and the body's temperature gets dangerously low?
What is the shortest day of the year called?
Winter solstice
Which hemisphere experiences a colder winter season than the other?
Northern Hemisphere