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Okie's Valentine's Day Clues

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It’s red, it’s a shape, you use it for decorations
it’s golden or silver, you buy it at the jewelry store, you put it on one of your fingers
it feels soft, it’s got cotton inside it, sometimes you can make it
teddy bear
you get it from a store or mall, it has the good and strongest smell, you spray it everywhere on your body
It’s made from a bunch of flowers, you can pick it up and smell it, you give it to your valentine
they are sour, they come in wrappers and boxes, you find them at stores
It's a dessert, it tastes sometimes sweet, it’s got many things like nuts and cream on the inside
It pops, you have it during your birthday, It blows gas into the air
It’s shaped like a box, you put something in it like a bag, you open it
It’s pink and red, you celebrate it, you eat lots of chocolates
Valentine's Day