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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He's decided to study Spanish next year. He ______________(study) Spanish next year.
is going to study
I've decided to live in Italy when I finish school. I _____________(live) in Italy when I finish school.
am going to live
I've decided to travel around the world after university. I ______________(travel) around the world after university.
am going to travel
We're planning to buy a house. We ______________ (buy) a new house soon.
are going to buy
What _______________(you/do) tonight? I ____________(stay) at home.
are you going to do / am going to stay
What _____________(you/do) at summer camp next year?
are you going to do
My parents _____________(take) me to a big theme park.
are going to take
________________(your dad/ drive) you to summer camp?
Is your dad going to drive
She/ have / party / soon
She is going to have a party soon.
I ________________(tell) my mum what you said.
am going to tell
We ______________(visit) my grandma next month.
are going to visit
_________________(your parents/ phone) you later?
Are your parents going to phone
We _______________(talk) to the teacher this afternoon.
are going to talk
_________________(Dan/ play) basketball tomorrow?
Is Dan going to play
I / study / biology / next year
I am going to study biology next year.
Stella / have / baby / three months
Stella is going to have a baby in three months.
What / you / do / for your sister's birthday/?
What are you going to do for your sister's birthday?
We / not / travel / Iceland / this year
We aren't going to travel to Iceland this year.