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Food chain

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where does frog get the energy in this food chain?
By eating butterfly
Which animals is insectivores in this food chain?
Which animal is prey?
Which animals is prey?
Large fish
Which animal is predator?
Where does lion get energy in this food chain?
By eating deer
What do fish use to swim?
Animals that eat insects only are called _____.
Insectivores or insectivorous animals
Animals that eat both meat and vegetables are called______.
Omnivores or omnivorous animals
Animals that eat only plants are called___________.
Herbivores or herbivorous animals
Animals that eat only meat are called_______.
carnivores or carnivorous animals
Which animals is herbivores in this food chain?
Food chain starts with -------- and end with -------.
plants, animals
What is the energy passed one creature to another?
Food chain
Is snake predator or prey?
Is eagle predator or prey?
Is tiger predator or prey?
Which is prey?