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Family and human relations

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is better: to have one close friend or several other friends?
I'd rather have...I can rely on my../share problems with../there are moments when it is good to have..
Do you ever argue with your friends? How do you solve your problems?
We quarrel about.., None of us is/Both of us are able to make a compromise and..I prefer..We have different...
What are the most important characteristics of a friend? Is friendship important?
Besides relatives, we need other people to..., friends have a lot of things in common, like..a friend should be..A friend is a person who..
What do parents and children argue about?
Some parents are strict and they argue about...others are...Having different views on ..children tend to..
What is the generation gap? Does it exist in your family?
It's a certain "distance", a pile of problems that exist between parents and their children. People of the same age group have the same...Children deny..
How do you keep in touch with the people around you?
I normally exchange information in..., I have my own cell phone..I see my friends...I hate ...that's why...I really need...
How do you get on with the people around you and who are they?
I'm a very sociable and...type of person. I have few/alot of....At home...at school..I love/I can't bear..
What problems do teenagers have?
They have all sorts of problems, like...They have to...They don't have enough...another problem is...They may not know how to..
What are the most important aspects of bringing up a child?
First of all..Secondly..Then...At last..Children need to be given guidelines/learn.. and..Important values are...
Are you in favour of a small or a large family?
Growing up in a small/large family can make you feel....On one hand...on the other hand...Everyone in the family need to share...it's a problem that..I can...
Why do you think the number of people living alone is on the rise?
There is a growing number of....People are choosing to get divorced more often because/and...Another reason is...
Can a woman be a mother, a wife and a career woman in one person?
I think, knowing your priorities are......There are basic qualities for these roles, like....
What are the most basic functions of a family?
Living and growing up in a family makes it possible for an individual to.....I believe that a good relationship within the family is...As I see it,.....
How has family life changed in the past decades?
The most important changes that have taken place are...obviously this means....another one is that....Due to....