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Simple Past Tense: Negatives & Questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What the kids ate?
Incorrect. What did the kids eat?
Where the teacher went?
Incorrect. Where did the teacher go?
Where was the kittens yesterday?
Incorrect. Where were the kittens yesterday?
Why were they at the office?
Where did she goes yesterday?
Incorrect. Where did she go yesterday?
Did Justin go on vacation?
The puppy didn't walks to the mailbox. It ran!
Incorrect. The puppy didn't walk to the mailbox. It ran!
Sam and Brett wasn't at the restaurant last Thursday.
Incorrect. Sam and Brett weren't at the restaurant last Thursday.
My family wasn't at home on Saturday.
Sara weren't feeling well last week, so she couldn't go to the party.
Incorrect. Sara wasn't feeling well last week, so she couldn't go to the party.
Jose didn't be in the Zoom class last night.
Incorrect. Jose wasn't in the Zoom class last night.
Josie didn't found her wallet.
Incorrect. Josie didn't find her wallet.
I wasn't at work yesterday because I had a headache.
Who did she went with to the party?
Incorrect. Who did she go with to the party?
The boy didn't go to school today.