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This layer is covered with fallen leaves and small plants like mosses.
Forest Floor
Apo Reef in Occidental Mindoro is one of the famous atolls in the country.
(TRUE OR FALSE) Danajon Banks in Tubigon, Bohol is known to have double fringing reef
They are characterized by salt loving trees, shrubs, and other plants. They are mostly found in estuaries, where freshwater meets saltwater.
Mangrove swamps
Mangrove forest is recognized by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) as the "_______ of the sea."
It is a circular reef formation that surrounds a deep or large lagoon.
Philippine coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems on the planet and are considered as being the "_______ of the Ocean,"
Philippines has the Tubbataha Reef, which is included in UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites. It is located in the province of ________________.
Puerto Princesa City in Palawan
This is the primary layer of the forest. It is the thickest because it has most branches and leaves of the tallest trees in the rainforest that extend to capture sunlight.
Canopy Layer
This layer receives most of the sunlight, thus helps in growing tallest trees.
Emergent Layer
Give 3 biotic factors in an ecosystem
Give 3 examples of Parasite.
(Identify the interaction) Crocodile gets its teeth cleaned as the plover bird feeds on food particles in a crocodile's mouth.
one organism is benefitted while the other is neither benefitted nor harmed.
(TRUE OR FALSE) A population of prey cannot increase unless there is enough predators.
(TRUE OR FALSE) Organisms of the same species perform intraspecific interactions.