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COATSINK: tech/innovation advanced idioms

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the idiom?
To have crossed wires
What's the idiom?
To be on the same wavelength
What's the idiom?
To be ticking over nicely
What's the idiom?
To go through the roof
What's the idiom?
That suits me just fine
What's the idiom?
To be subterranean
What's the idiom?
To let off some steam / To do something under your own steam
What's the idiom?
To throw a spanner in the works
What's the idiom?
An unrivaled challenge
What's the idiom?
To have something in the pipeline
What's the idiom?
It's pie in the sky
What's the idiom?
To be ahead of the pack
What's the idiom?
It turned out to be groundless
What's the idiom?
To get into gear
What's the idiom?
To be first out of the gate
What's the idiom?
It will never fly
What's the idiom?
To be on the cutting edge
What's the idiom?
To put the brakes on
What's the idiom?
To blaze a trail
What's the idiom?
To jump on the bandwagon
What's the idiom?
Stop being as back-seat driver!