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The brain

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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TRUE OR FALSE: our brain stops working when we sleep.
FALSE: our brain never stops working. It works even when we sleep.
Which one is faster: a car or the messages exchanged between my brain and my nerves?
Messages exchanged between my brain and my nerves can go up to five times faster than a car on a highway.
What happens if a friend taps our arm in the game of tag?
Nerves in my arm send messages to my brain and my brain sends a message to my legs to run.
What does our nervous system use to pass messages?
Our nervous system uses a highway of nerves to pass messages.
What does our brain use to do much of its job?
Our brain uses our nervous system to do much of its job.
What does my nervous system do?
It passes messages between my body and my brain.
Where does my brain sit?
It sits in our skull.
What is the main function of the brain stem?
Involuntary actions
What is the main function of the cerebellum?
Balance, movement, and coordination
What is the main function of the cerebrum?
Voluntary actions.
The brain, the skeleton, the muscles, and the lungs are examples of main organs belonging to what we call...
Body systems