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Okie's Clues

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It’s long, you use your hands to peel it, you eat it
it’s sour, it tastes juicy, you can find them at the grocery store, its name is the same as it’s color
It’s sweet, you find it at a candy shop, it’s usually wrapped in a wrapper, it can have nuts in it.
It’s gray, it’s heavy, you know you can drive on it
you put it in a toaster, it’s brown, you use it to make a sandwich
It is blue, fish live in it, it’s made out of salt water
it is pink, it’s a part of a body, it’s inside your mouth between the top teeth and bottom teeth
it swims, it has two fins, they don’t talk
There are many different airplanes by it, it’s large, people always take their suitcases in it
It has many different places like stores and restaurants you can go to, you walk while you’re there, it is very big.
it is a bubbly drink, it has a pull tab when it’s in a can, it can also come in a bottle.
It has four wheels, it moves very fast, it drives you to different places
It has chocolate chips inside it, it’s round, it’s a dessert
It’s green outside, it’s one of the four seasons, people like to go many places outside.
It has number buttons, it rings loudly, it’s made out of metal, you can call somebody using it
It’s a rectangle, you write on it with a pencil, it has many white papers in it
you put stuff like pizza in it, it’s burning hot inside, it’s really huge.
It can be white, it has lightbulbs in it, it spins fast and faster.
Ceiling Fan
it’s shaped like a square, you can look up anything on it, you can play games on it.
It has black and orange decorations, it is known for spooky/scary stuff, you go trick-or-treating at nighttime.
It has whiskers, mice run away from it, they chew on toys.
It’s a cylinder shape, it glows in the dark with fire, you can sleep by it
It’s hot, you usually drink it in morning, it’s made with beans.
It’s yellow, it opens and shuts its own doors, it takes you to school.
School Bus
It’s a type of animal, it’s white and black, it can live in the zoo or in China.
Panda Bear