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29-42 uzupełnianie dialogów

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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X: Can I watch a film on your computer? Y: Maybe later. I ___________________________________ it now.
I am using
X: I've got a really bad toothache today. Y: _____________________________________________ to the dentist's. X: Thanks. I'll do that.
you should go
X: You look different. Y: Yes, I have eaten a lot lately and put ____________________ .
on some weight
X: Those bags look very heavy! Would you like ______________________________________________ you? A. Thanks a lot but I live nearby, I can manage.
me to help
X: I don't know if my mum is going to pick us up. Y: _____________________________________ phone her? A. I tried, but her phone doesn't answer.
Why don't you
X: I need your mother's help. Y: What ___________________________ her to do?
would you like
X: Are you into basketball? Y: I'm afraid_________________________________________ football.
I prefer
X: What’s your surname, Joanna? A: Brown. B: Can _____________________________________________, please? A: Yes, of course. That’s B-R-O-W-N.
you spell that
X: I’d like to study Spanish in Barcelona. Do you have courses for foreign students? Y: Yes, we do. You can ________________________________ the offer from this leaflet.
learn about
X: Excuse me, ______________________________ to city centre? Y: Number 47.
which bus goes
X: Can you speak English? A. Not too much. Just ___________________________ .
a little
X: How was the trip? Y: It was _____________________________________ A. So take a hot bath and get some sleep,
X: Is it ok if _________________________________ here? Y: Go ahead. It's free.
I sit
X: I have some problems with sleeping. Y: Why __________________________________________ some hot milk or drink a glass of mint tea? X: That’s a good idea. It may relax me,
don't you drink