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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She is being informed that tomorrow will be sunny.
I am informing her that tomorrow will be sunny.
Joko Widodo was elected as the 7th president.
Indonesian elected Jokowi as the 7th president.
The homework must be done by tomorrow.
I must do the homework by tomorrow.
The patient is being prepared for the operation.
The nurse is preparing the patient for the operation.
Five albums had been re-recorded by Taylor Swift.
Taylor Swift had re-recorded five of her albums.
Wearing white shoes to school isn’t allowed.
The principal doesn't allow wearing white shoes to school
Has the contract been signed yet?
Has the director signed the contract yet?
The chicken had been cut into small pieces.
The chef had cut the chicken into small pieces.
The chef was making the pasta using the finest ingredients.
The pasta was being made using finest ingredients by the chef.
The dog didn’t bite the cat.
The cat wasn't bitten by the dog.
Where will you hold your wedding?
Where your wedding will be held by you?
You should turn off your mobile phone before bedtime.
Your mobile phone should be turned off before bedtime.
Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein.
The novel Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley.
An apple ________ (eat) by him daily in order to keep the doctor away.
should be eaten
When Mr. Kennel entered the room, emails ________ (type) by his assistants.
were being typed
All the houses in our street ________ (decorate) every year during the Christmas season.
are decorated
He normally wakes up on his own but yesterday he ________ (wake) by his mom
was woken
I was looking after the children while the garage ________ (repair).
was being repaired
This tree is very old. It ________ (plant) in the 19th century.
was planted
Don’t turn round! I think we ________ (follow)!
are being followed
Nine scientists __________ (take part) in the International Environment project so far.
have taken part
This photo __________ (take) by my grandfather when I was five.
was taken
By the time we got to the party, all the pizza ________ (eat).
had been eaten
The 2022 Football World Cup ________ (hold) in Qatar.
will be held
Smoking ________ (not allow) on planes.
is not allowed