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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The tutu dress belongs to the ballerina. Whose dress is it?
The ballerina's dress
The kite belongs to Ben. Whose kite is it?
Ben's kite
The spider spun a web. Whose web is it?
The spider's web
The apple belongs to Sophie. Whose apple is it?
Sophie's apple
The popcorn belongs to Emma. Whose popcorn is it?
Emma's popcorn
The bird belongs to Niket. Whose bird is this?
Niket's bird
Shivani and her dad are hugging. Whose dad is this?
Shivani's dad
The cat belongs to David. Whose cat is it?
David's cat
The toy mouse belongs to the cat. Whose toy mouse is it?
The cat's mouse
The bike belongs to Benji. Whose bike is it?
Benji's bike
The ball belongs to the dog. Whose ball is it?
The dog's ball
The book belongs to Rashi. Whose book is it?
Rashi's book
The ball belongs to Henry. Whose ball is it?
Henry's ball
This bird belongs to Anna. Whose bird is it?
Anna's bird