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at the sports centre inc english 3 unit 7

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does he play ... on Friday?
Does he play badminton on Friday?
I can't play ... very well, but my brother can.
I can't play table tennis very well, but my brother can.
He doesn't like playing ...
He doesn't like playing badminton.
It can play ... very well.
It can play the piano very well.
I often go ... in the swimming pool.
I often go swimming in the swimming pool.
I always go ... in winter with my family.
I always go skiing in winter with my family.
I love ...
I love rollerblading.
I don't go ... with my grandpa.
I don't go fishing with my grandpa.
I don't do ...
I don't do karate.
We don't play ...
We don't play the guitar.
He doesn't play ...
He doesn't play the drums.
He loves watching ...
He loves watching football.
I do ... on Thursday.
I do gymnastics on Thursday;
I don't play .... at the weekend.
I don't play tennis at the weekend.
At the weekend she goes ...
At the weekend she goes cycling.
At 3 o'clock they do ...
At 3 o'clock they do judo.
On Wednesday they play ...
On Wednesday they play badminton.
Do you do ...?
Do you do gymnastics?
I love ..
I love chess.
Do you play ...?
Do you play chess?
She can play ...
She can play basketball.
Is there a ... class on Friday?
Is there a basketball class on Friday?
There is a ... class on Monday.
There is a baseball class on Monday.