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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Miguel say?
Miguel said that they might have their differences, but that nothing was more important than family.
What did the troll tell them?
The troll said that the heart was not so easily changed, but the head could be persuaded.
What did he say?
He said his name was Inigo Montoya, that he had killed his father and to prepare to die.
What did he say to Louis?
He said that he thought that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
What did Tyrion say to Oberyn?
Tyrion said to Oberyn that if he wanted justice, he had come to the wrong place.
What did Mr. Pink say?
He said he didn't tip because society says he has to.
What did he ask to the girl?
He asked if she/he was depressed.
What did she wonder?
She wondered when he was leaving.
What did he say?
He said that they hadn't broken up.
What did he tell to the woman?
He told to the woman that he had been simply trying to be friendly.
What did she confess?
She confessed she hadn't eaten for three days.
What did Mark ask to his friend?
He asked how he had known that.
What did Alice ask him?
She asked him why he wouldn't let her love him.
The photographer told everyone not to move.
The photographer told, "Don't move!"
"You can’t take photos here," the guard warned me.
The guard warned me that I couldn't take photos there.
"Dad, I’m meeting Tino tomorrow," said Helen.
Helen told to her dad she was meeting Tino the following day.
My boyfriend told me that he still loved his ex.
"I still love my ex," explained my boyfriend.
"Where is the food?" asked Mary.
Mary asked where the food was.
"There was an accident outside the supermarket yesterday," explained the reporter.
He said there had been an accident outside the supermarket the day before.
Mitchell asked me when I had got up that day.
Mitchell asked, "When did you get up today?"
Tania asked, "Are they in Paris?"
Tania asked me if they were in Paris.
My mum ordered me not to leave the door open.
"Don't leave the door open!" ordered my mum.
Linda asked, "When will you submit your paper?"
Linda wanted to know when I would submit my paper.
Brian said, "I can't watch the football match because I'm studying English."
Brian said he couldn't watch football match 'cuz he was studying English.
Kelly asked her friend if she would help her to write the article about viral videos.
"Will you help me to write an article about viral videos?" Kelly asked.