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6th WW Lesson 1 & 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Boycott means...
Join others in refusing to deal with a person or group.
A series of military actions.
A formal event.
To bring shame or disgrace.
Violate means...
to break a trust or law or promise.
to knock over.
to trust someone.
to form an opinion.
Verdict means...
the decision at the end of a trial.
fail to keep a trust.
to violate an agreement.
to reach out.
Vacate means...
to make empty or leave an area.
a great success.
to keep apart.
to be unlucky.
Integrate means...
to unite into a whole, put together.
to keep seperate.
to be successful.
to make empty.
Extend means...
to reach out.
to make empty.
to fill up.
to put someone in a high position.
Detain means...
to stop or hold someone.
to reach out.
to keep apart.
great success.
Degrade means...
to bring shame or disgrace upon someone or something.
to honor someone in a special position.
to keep from moving on.
the highest rank.
A ceremony is a formal event.
A campaign is ...
a series of military actions.
to have control over someone.
to stop or hold someone.
a formal event.
Arrogant means...
showing too much pride in oneself.
refusing to deal with another person or group.
military actions in an area.
taking into custody.
If you ferry someone you are giving them comfort.
Poverty is a condition of poor health.
To speak in an affectionate manner to show a too-proud attitude.
Unveil is spelled correctly.
The Jews were __________________ by the Germans in World War II.
Lofty means...
tall or high
skilled at speaking
moving goods or people
An immigrant is...
a person who comes into a country to live there
someone who is very tall
a person who treats others harsh or cruelly
someone who is poor
What do you call a boat that carries people or goods?
Pedestal means to show in public or display.
Someone who is skilled at speaking or writing may have...?
The sailors ______________ hands in a circle around their captain.
Contribute means...
To give along with others
Skilled at speaking
Very call or high
The state of being silent
His long white beard made him ___________________ in the room of young students.
The ________________ made by the president surprised everyone.
Is conspicuous spelled correctly?
Appeal means to make an earnest request or to ask for something.
Affection means...
A fond or tender feeling
To make an earnest request
To grasp or hold
To get along with others