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(TRUE OR FALSE) Plants are not important for you.
False: Plants are VERY important for you.
What is a plant?
A plant is a living thing that can produce its own food.
Why do plants do the photosynthesis during the day?
Because they need solar energy.
(TRUE OR FALSE) The respiration of a plant only happens during the day.
False: The respiration of a plants happens both during the day and at night.
What is the chlorophyll?
The chlorophyll is a substance in the chloroplasts that collects the solar energy.
Where can you find the stomata of a plant?
In the leaves.
(TRUE OR FALSE) The roots hold the plant in the ground.
(TRUE OR FALSE) The stem keeps the plant standing up.
(TRUE OR FALSE) Mosses are flowering plants.
False: Mosses are non-flowering plants.
What is the function of the phloem?
The phloem transports glucose around the plant.
What is the function of the xylem?
The xylem transports the raw sap (water + minerals) from the roots to the leaves.
Which type of plant is an orange tree?
Angiosperm (flowering plant)
Which type of plant is a pine tree?
Gymnosperm (flowering plant)
Which plants change their leaves colour in autumn?
Name the two types of non-flowering plants.
Ferns and mosses.
Name the two types of flowering-plants.
Angiosperms and gymnosperms.
What do plants produce with the photosynthesis?
Plants produce glucose and oxygen.
When do plants do the photosynthesis?
During the day.
Name the two types of stems.
Woody and herbaceous.
Name the two types of roots.
Thick and hairy.
What is a flower?
A flower is the reproductive part of a plant.
What is the name of the mixture of water and minerals?
Raw sap