Edit Game
B1+ GE Revision units 3 and 4

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It's difficult for politicians to get their message ______ to young people.
Someone who gets upset by criticism is: s________
a synonym for buy: p________
I prefer l___ clothes. I hate clothes that are too tight
I think it_______(become) more and more difficult to find a job.
is becoming
A h_____ is a type of jumper with a part to cover your head
OMG it's... (rain) for three hours!
OMG it's been raining for three hours!
There wasn't ______ time to finish my homework
Translate: Fa troppo freddo per andare al mare
It is too cold to go to the beach
Yesterday at 7p.m. I ...(read) a book.
I was reading
I... (lose) my phone, so I can't call her.
The lesson _____at 20:45 a) will finish b) is finishing c) finishes
c) finishes
When I was a child I _______ believe in Father Christmas. Now I dont!
used to
The film ______ (finish) when I _______ (arrive).
The film had finished when I arrived.
What phrasal verb means - to do sth bad and not get into trouble
get away with
The opposite of 'casual' clothes
to collect money by doing a charity event
A synonym for 'shout'
yell / scream
I can't understand new technology . I just can't _____ my _______ ________ it.
get my head around