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6th Grade 1-4 Units Revision

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you feel on rainy days?
I feel depressed/sad/upset/gloomy.
How do you feel on cloudy days?
I feel anxious.
What is the weather like?
It is rainy.
What is the weather like? Do you like it?
It is foggy. Yes, I like it./No, I don't like it.
Which one is hotter? Make a comparison.
Fethiye is hotter then Alanya.
Which one is more expensive? Make a comparison.
The red car is more expensive than the blue car.
Is Tom feeding the street animals?
No, he is not feeding the street animals. He is reading the newspaper.
Is the dinasour watering the flowers?
Yes, he is watering the flowers.
What are they doing at the moment?
They are witing for the bus.
What is the name of this building? Is it taller than a farm building?
It is skyscraper. Yes, it is taller than a farm building.
What is the name of this place?
It is a kiosk.
Lucy: I hate eating cheese and olives for breakfast. I prefer eating cucumber, parsley and tomatoes because I think they are delicious.
Julia: Can I have some more cereal please? Tom: Sorry, _______. A) enjoy it. B) I'm thirsty. C) it is all gone. D) yummy
C) it is all gone
Does your sister go/goes online on weekdays?
Jake don't/doesn't take a nap in the afternoon.
Do/Does the children often play at the park?
A: When/Where does your brother play computer games? B: My brother plays computer games on Sundays.
A: How/What does John do at school? B: He plays football with his friends.
Cross out the wrong matching.
Cross out the wrong matching.
Cross out the wrong matching.