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Black History Month

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Muhammad Ali was an American professional boxer, activist, entertainer, poet and philanthropist, and his nickname was... The Greatest, The Best, or The Amazing?
The Greatest!
Langston Hughes was famous for his poetry, but what else did he write? Plays, short stories, both, or neither of those?
both plays and short stories!
Maya Angelou, the legendary author and poet, became the 1st Black woman featured on what coin? Pennies, dimes, or quarters?
US quarters!
How young was Serena Williams when she became a pro tennis player? 10, 15, or 20 years old?
How many Olympic medals has the Gymnocyst Simone Biles won? 1, 5, or 8?
5! She won gold metals in 2016 in her Team, the All-Around metal, the Vault medal, and Floor metal, as well as bronze metal for the Balance beam
What year did Mae Jemison become first Black woman to travel in space? 1982, 1992, or 2002?
In 1986, Patricia Bath invented the Laserphaco Probe, improving treatment for cataract patients to help them not be blind. She did this because she believe what? Eyesight is a human right, she wanted to be famous, glasses were too expensive
Bath co-founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness, which established that "eyesight is a basic human right."
Lisa Gelobter was involved with the 1995 creation of web animation. (Think all those GIFs we know and love.) She also helped launch which streaming service? Hulu, Netflix, or Amazon Prime?
The engineer Lonnie Johnson developed this mega water gun in his free time while working where? the FBI, NASA, or Harvard University?
NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Marie Van Brittan Brown Brown filed a patent for her invention: for the first-ever home security system after wanting to increase her own house’s security, in what year? 1901, 1966, 1988?
What device did Garrett Morgan invent that helps people stay safe on the roads? Stop signs, traffic lights, or cross walks?
Traffic lights!
Madam C.J. Walker was the first African American woman to become a self-made millionaire after she invented what kind of beauty/hygiene products? For skin, hair, or nails?
Hair products! Specifically geared toward Black hair because there was not many people selling those products at that time
The first Black man to receive the National Medal of Technology, Frederick McKinley Jones, invented refrigerator units for trucks, trains, ships, and planes. What were they keeping cold? Food, medicine, donated blood, or all of the above?
All of the above!
What year did George Crum invent the potato chip? 1853, 1753, or 1953