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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Lera finally persuaded _________ her signature dish.(Valery/try)
Lera finally persuaded Valery to try her signature dish.
I really need ________ me pictures of his lunch ideas. (Edward/not/send)
I really need Edward not to send me pictures of his lunch ideas.
Ilja kindly invited us _________ his tea party. (join)
Ilja kindly invited us to join his tea party.
You will never _________ cereals with orange juice. (force/Daniels/eat)
You will never force Daniels to eat cereals with orange juice. Unless?
Zhenija keeps encouraging ______ (we/go) to Bermuda Triangle and just ✨disappear✨
Zhenija keeps encouraging us to go to Bermuda Triangle and just ✨disappear✨
Lera asked Sasha ______ at 4am just because she dreamt of Picolas Cage. (not/call)
Lera asked Sasha not to call at 4am just because she dreamt of Picolas Cage.
Artjoms _______ pineapple pizza (not/allow/we/eat)
Artjoms doesn't allow us to eat pineapple pizza :(
Anastasija warned me ________ bothering Artjoms with cat pics. (stop)
Anastasija warned me to stop bothering Artjoms with cat pics.
We  _______ sane at least for one more year. (not/expect/Marta/stay)
We don't expect Marta to stay sane at least for one more year