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Present Perfect with EVER / NEVER

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Aeya / never / sing in a choir
Aeya's never sung in a choir.
they / ever / act in a play
Have they ever acted in a play?
He / never / travel by train
He's never traveled by train.
Neo and Son / never / be on TV
Neo and Son have never been on TV.
Namo and Kan / ever / build a snowman
Have Namo and Kan ever built a snowman?
Leo / ever / meet a famous person
Has Leo ever met a famous person?
I / never / build a sandcastle
I've never built a sandcastle.
Win / never / be late for school
Win's never been late for school.
your parents / ever / go to London
Have your parents ever been to London?
Mom / never / ride a horse
Mom's never ridden a horse.
We / never / go to Korea
We've never been to Korea.
your grandma / ever / ride a camel
Has your grandma ever ridden a camel?
Tom / ever / see a ghost
Has Tom ever seen a ghost?
I / never / swim in the Dead Sea
I've never swum in Dead Sea.
you / ever / eat Chinese food
Have you ever eaten Chinese food?