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Why Questions (Conjunctions)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(so) It was cold outside... They put on their jackets
It was cold outside so they put on their jackets.
(so) It was hot outside... They went swimming in the pool
It was hot outside so they went swimming in the pool.
(because) The dog was barking... The dog was hungry
The dog was barking because it was hungry
(because) The woman was wet...The woman forget her umbrella
The woman was wet because she forgot her umbrella.
(because) The kids were laughing...The teacher made a funny joke
The kids were laughing because the teacher made a funny joke
(because) The baby was crying... The baby was tired
The baby was crying because it was tired.
(because) She was crying... She got hurt
She was crying because she got hurt
(so) We need to eat healthy food...We can grow big and strong
We need to eat healthy food so we can grow big and strong
(so) We need to go to school... We will get smarter
We need to go to school so we will get smarter
(or) The cat likes to sleep on the bed... The cat likes to sleep on the couch
The cat likes to sleep on the bed or on the couch.
(and) Kylie likes pink...Kylie likes purple
Kylie likes pink and purple
(or) Miss Taryn can go to work... Miss Taryn can stay home and sleep
Miss Taryn can go to work or stay home and sleep
(or) We can go to the pool...We can go to the beach
We can go to the pool or the beach.
(or) She can paint her nails blue... She can paint her nails pink
She can paint her nails blue or pink.
(or) We can go to the mall... We can go to the movies.
We can go to the mall or to the movies.
(or) The girl wants pizza...The girl wants McDonalds
The girl wants pizza or McDonalds for dinner.
(and) The girl takes a shower...The girl goes to bed
The girl takes a shower and goes to bed.
(and) The students eat their lunch...The students go to recess
The students eat their lunch and go to recess
(and) The boy is cold...The girl is cold
The boy and the girl are cold.
(and) The store is closed...The park is closed
The store and the park are closed.
Why did the girl drink water?
The girl drank water because she was thirsty.
Why is the boy going in the pool?
The boy is going in the pool because he wants to swim.
Why is the rabbit eating lettuce?
The rabbit is eating lettuce beause it is hungry.
Why is he holding the umbrella over the mom and kid?
He is holding the umbrella over them so they don't get wet.
Why does he need an umbrella?
He needs an umbrella because its raining.