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On holiday

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which animals welcome them to the funfair? A) A lion and a tiger B) An elephant and a tiger
A) A lion and a tiger
Who solves the problem and comes up with the idea of having 8 bits of paper for Mum to randomly choose from? A) Sue B) Jay
A) Sue
What does Sue suggest they do at the beach? A) Build sandcastles B) Swim in the sea
B) Swim in the sea
What's the problem in the story? A) The zoo is closed B) They all want to go to different places
B) They all want to go to different places
What does Tiger say at the end of the story? A) I like the funfair. It's fun. B) I don't like the funfair. It's boring.
A) I like the funfair. It's fun.
Which animals does Tiger want to see at the zoo? A) The lions and tigers B) The monkeys and giraffes
A) The lions and tigers
Which place does Jay and Sue's Mum choose? A) The aquarium B) The funfair
B) The funfair
How many pieces of paper with places to go are there? A) 6 B) 8
B) 8
How do they work out where to go? A) Tiger chooses B) Jay and Sue's Mum selects a piece of paper at random
B) Jay and Sue's Mum selects a piece of paper at random
Where does Tiger want to go? A) The zoo B) The waterpark
A) The zoo
Where does Jay want to go? A) The beach B) The waterpark
B) The waterpark
Who likes ice rinks? A) Jay B) Li
B) Li