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Insight Advanced Unit 4 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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resolve >
clear up
impede >
hold up
recite >
reel off
discern >
make out
install >
put up
transmit >
pass on
NOUN > ADJECTIVE: variance>
varied, various
NOUN > ADJECTIVE: correspondence >
This monument _________ the Polish Kowalski family who were executed for helping the Jews during WWII.
Suddenly he had a ______________ and suggested brilliant idea not to take part in the whole project at all.
James is so _____________ sometimes. He keeps misplacing his smartphone and wallet.
Your knowledge of ____ Chinese ir really impressive,
_____ Google is one of ____ most famous companies on ____ Internet.
- / the / the
Brexit was when ____ British left ____ EU.
the / the
Something must be done to help _________ homeless.
ELLIPSIS: You can use my dictionary if you want to use use it.
You can use my dictionary if you want to.
ELLIPSIS: We will sleep here and the Browns will sleep there.
We will sleep here and the Browns there.
ELLIPSIS: Some people study by making notes and others study by using apps.
Some people study by making notes and others by using apps.
ELLIPSIS: You can eat my sandwich and I will eat your sandwich.
You can eat my sandwich and I will eat your.
He hated ________ (argue) with his girlfriend. [PERFECT -ING]
having argued
We insisted on _____________ (explain) the situation by the police officers. [PASSIVE -ING]
being explained
She seems _______________ (watch) that film for 2 hours. [PERFECT CONTINUOUS INFINITIVE]
to have been watching
They hoped __________ (meet) their friends at the station after the journey [CONTINUOUS INFINITIVE]
to be meeting
Jenny's parents ecpect her _____________ (finish) her homework by nine o'clock. [PERFECT INFINITIVE]
to have finished