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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What genre of books Diego M. doesn't like?
Diego doesn't like...
What genre of books does Lucia hate?
Lucia hates...
What genre of books does Alex love?
Alex loves...
What genre of books does Ainhoa really likes?
Ainhoa really likes...
What genre of books does Enara doesn't like?
Enara doesn't like...
What genre of books does Odri quite like?
Odri quite likes...
What genre of films does Iker hate?
Iker hates...
What genre of books does Laia love?
Laia loves...
Adrián _________ adventure books.
quite likes.
They _________ horror films.
quite like
Maxim _________ biography books.
doesn't like
_________ you _________ historical films?
Do you hate
My best friend _________ drama books.
really likes
I _________ musical films.
really like
_________ they _________ animation films?
Do they quite like
We _________ detective books.
_________ Roberto _________ science fiction books?
Does Roberto hate
Paula _________ adventure books.
doesn't like
Rodrigo _________ comedy films.
They _________ bibliography books.
She _________ horror films.