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108-2 康軒B2L4 Dialogue

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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For whom may you hold a party? And why?
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What food may you prepare for a party? And why?
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When may you hold a party? And why?
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What will Bella teach Scott?
how to make pancakes
How many pancakes did Scott eat?
What food may Bella eat?
Strawberry cake.
Whose party is it?
Scott's (party.)
What food can you eat at Scott's party?
Strawberry cake, banana pie, and pancakes.
From the conversation between Bella and Scott, what do we need at least when we are going to make pancakes?
Eggs and flour.
When Nick says, "here you are," what is the one he passes on to Bella?
A bag of flour.
How many eggs does Bella want?
Bella wants only six.
Where are the eggs?
They're on the table.
How many eggs are there on the table?
Twelve. / A dozen.
What is the first thing Nick helps Bella with?
Check the number of eggs. / Check how many eggs there are on the table.
What is Bella making?
She's making pancakes.
Why is Bella making pancakes?
For Scott's party.
Who is making pancakes?
Bella is.
Where are Nick and Bella?
They're in the kitchen.