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True or False: Weird Facts

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It snowed in the Sahara desert for 30 minutes on February 18, 1979.
Apples, peaches, and raspberries are all members of the rose family.
Ancient Roman surgeons were trained to block out the screams of human pain.
Every continent except Antarctica has a McDonald's.
Dubai, UAE: It's illegal to drive a dirty car.
Baltimore, MD, USA: It’s legal to bring a lion to the movies.
New Zealand: You can fly with a rooster in a hot air balloon.
Georgia, USA: It’s illegal for a chicken to cross the road.
Switzerland: It’s against the law to flush a toilet after 10 pm in an apartment building.
Mexico: It’s illegal for bicyclists to lift their feet off the pedals while riding as this might cause them to lose control of the bike.
Singapore: It’s illegal to chew gum.
True. In fact, no gum is bought or sold here. The law is said to be in place to keep public places clean.
Milan, Italy: It is illegal for citizens to frown in public-unless they are at a funeral or visiting someone in the hospital.
UK: It’s illegal to die in the House of Commons.
Arizona, USA: There is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus.
Scotland: You must allow someone into your house if he knocks your door and needs to use the bathroom.
Alabama, USA: It is against the law to throw confetti or spray silly string.
True, for public safety reasons as confetti could be inhaled
California, USA: Ice cream may not be eaten while standing on the sidewalk.
False. It was repealed in 1986
Japan: It is illegal to be clinically obese.
True, in 2009, maximum waist line limit 85cm for men, 90 cm for women
Eraclea, Italy: It is illegal to build sandcastles.
UK: It is illegal to eat a mince pie on Christmas Day.
Greece: It is illegal to wear high heels when touring ancient monuments.
True, they can tear national treasures
Ohio, USA: It’s illegal to get a fish drunk.
Italy: It is illegal to feed pigeons in St Mark’s Square, Venice.
France: It is illegal to name a pig Napoleon.