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ADV 2 - Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do all direct quotes need quotation marks?
No if they're longer than 40 words.
What does "et al" mean?
Et alia /and others
You do not use the "&" (ampersand) for the parenthetical format.
Correct or Incorrect? Brown and Dyer (2014) highlighted the importance of going to bed early when you are stressed.
Correct or Incorrect? Ellis & Barnes (2005) found that introducing excessive amounts of iron to your diet can result in hair loss.
Correct or Incorrect? A foreign language can transform your life (Miller and Swatz, 2015)
Correct or Incorrect? The rainfall is heavier in the northern part of the island (Claye, 2018, p.20).
Taking and passing off as one's own someone else's work or ideas is known as ______.
True or False? A paraphrase should be shorter than the original text.
True or False? Paraphrases do not require quotation marks
PE: The sky is dark, it will rain soon.
Comma splice
PE: By giving compensation or payment for a loss or injury.
PE: Academic essays tend to be highly logical, clear logical reasoning is very persuasive.
Comma splice
PE: The shoes in my closet.
PE:The highwire is my favorite the little dogs are a close second.
Run-on sentence
PE: Kevin Durant is a good basketball player, LBJ is bad at basketball.
Comma splice
PE:The clowns were scary, the jester was funny.
Comma splice
TOF: While waiting for the paint to dry, Angela went to Home Depot, and martin organized the kitchen appliances.
TOF: After the two soccer players lost their game, they joined their other teammates for lunch, and they went to the movie.
TOF: Megan and Ron ate too much and felt sick.
TOF:The shoplifter had stolen clothes, so he ran once he saw the police.
TOF: Professor Maple's intelligent students completed and turned in their homework.
TOF: Nadine and Elsa help their mother to cook everyday during the lock down.
TOF: She slept late last night, so she came late to school.
TOF: My mother was angry to me because I forgot to do my homework.