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What is higher, amount of Disney Films or the amount of points scored with a bullseye in Darts
Disney films- 60, Bullseye- 50
What is higher, average amount of google searches per day or humans on earth?
Google- 5.6 billion, humans- 7.9 billion
What is higher, Highest ever score on Tetris or amount of known animal species?
Tetris- 1,357,428, Animals- 8.7 million
What is higher, number of Pokemon or length of the Golden Gate Bridge?
Pokemon- 898, Gold gate Bridge- 1,280 meters
What is higher, the length of Murcia´s Gran via, or the tallest building in the world?
Gran via- 510 meters, Burj Khalifa- 828 meters
What is higher, Number of fifa´s made or Lewis´age?
Fifa 30, Lewis is younger than that
What is higher, Number of Star Wars films or sides of a dice
Star Wars- 9
What is higher, number of McDonald´s restaurants or Burger King´s
McDonalds- 39,198 , Burger King- 17000
What is higher, Size of Spain or size of Sweden?
Spain- 505,992km, Sweden- 450,295km
What is higher? Number of major football trophies won by Spain, or Amount of countries Spain borders?
Tophies- 4 (1964,2008,2012 euros, 2010 world cup) Borders- 5(Portugal, France, Andorra, Gibraltar, Morocco)
What is higher, autonomous regions in Spain or legal age to buy alcohol?
Spain- 17, alcohol- 18
What is higher, the population of Bangladesh or the population of Russia
Bangladesh- 164,689,383, Russia- 145,934,462
What happened more recently, Michael Jackson died or the Maersk Alabama hijacking(from the film Captain Phillips)?
Michael Jackson death- June 25, 2009, Maersk Hijacking- April 8th
What is higher, amount of words in the English or Spanish dictionaries?
Spanish- 93000, English- 171,476
What is higher, amount the film Titanic has made, or amount it cost to build adjusted for inflation?
Titanic revenue- $2,207,986,545, titanic build- $7.5 million ($200 million with inflation)
What is higher, amount of weeks Brian Adams, Everything I do was UK number one, or age you need to be to drive in uk?
Brian adams- 16, age to drive- 17
What is higher? Weeks Novak Djokovic has been world number one, or days of the year
Djokovic- 377 weeks, days- 365
What is highest? World record squat(kg) or highest individual score in test match cricket?
Highest squat- 490kg by Ray Orlando Williams, Highest cricket score- 400 by Brian Lara
Which is higher? Amount of football world cups or La ligas won by Barcelona
Football world cups- 21, Barcelona la liga wins- 26
What is longer, gestation period of a horse or a human?
Horse- 330–342, Human- 266
What is more, active users on Facebook or amount of iphones sold?
Users on Facebook- 1.91 billion, iphones sold- 1.9 billion
What have we explored the surface of more? The moon or the Ocean floor?
The moon
Which is higher? Most expensive thing on Amazon or Amount of words in Harry Potter
Dracula 1931 Bela lugosi Poster (USD 1,250,000), words in Harry Potter- 1,084,170 words
Which animal has the highest average of babies in its litter? Cats or Dogs
Dogs(5-6) / Cats(4)