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because incredible english 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He's yawning because
he's bored / sleepy.
He's wearing a coat because
it's cold / snowy.
I started to cry because
I am sad.
I'm wearing sunglasses because
it's sunny.
The dog is happy because
it's got a present.
She is happy because
it's her birthday.
The cat is sleeping because
it's tired.
Elephants can't fly because
they don't have wings.
Take an umbrella because
it's raining.
He is drinking water because
he is thirsty.
I love this restaurant
because they make great pizza there / I love pizza.
I don't like Mondays because
I get up early.
I love Saturday and Sunday because
there's no school.
I love mountains because
I like skiing / I go skiing.
I love summer because
it's hot / sunny.
I don't like winter because
it's cold.
I like music because
I want to be a singer / ...
I go to school by car because
my school is far from my house.
I don't like swimming pool because
I can't swim.
There's a cinema on my map because
I love watching films / I love popcorn.
I go to the library because
I love reading books.
I love the park because
there are swings and slides.
I love the park because ...
I play football there.
I like my school because ...
there are my friends. / ...