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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don’t mind .......... her some help because she’s very kind.
Are you good at ......... secrets?
Jacki is keen on ........ to football matches with friends.
Mikey is good at ......... to other people's problems.
Jordan / doesn’t enjoy / shop / with his sisters.
Jordan doesn’t enjoy shopping with his sisters.
Maria / tired of / live / on her own.
Maria is tired of living on her own.
Harry / hate / listen to / rock and pop music.
Harry hates listening to rock and pop music.
Philippa / not mind / stay / home alone.
Philippa doesn’t mind staying home alone.
Morgan / like / play / basketball / with his friends after school.
Morgan likes playing basketball with his friends after school.
Jade / enjoy / send videos / to her friends.
Jade enjoys sending videos to her friends.
Ella / not really like / watch / horror films.
Ella doesn’t really like watching horror films.
Mikey / can’t stand / go / food shopping.
Mikey can’t stand going food shopping.
Julia / love / make / a big breakfast for her parents.
Julia loves making a big breakfast for her parents.
Sally always stays on the beach when we go to the seaside because she hates .......... in the sea.
............. new things helps our brain stay young and healthy.
Yvonne likes ............ new people because she’s very sociable.
I think Mum’s tired of ..................  my bedroom for me.
................. on holiday is good for you.
I can’t stand ........... housework at the weekend.
My friend Nathan enjoys ............ early in the morning.
The teacher doesn’t mind ...................  grammar rules again.