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HUHA total review (Business English)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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TEACHER - Do you remember me? - What's teacher's last name?
TEACHER - Do you remember me?: What 2nd language does teacher speak? (not Vietnamese)
TEACHER - Do you remember me?: Where is teacher from?
TEACHER - Do you remember me?: what subject does teacher normally teacher in English?
TEACHER - Do you remember me?: What are 3 hobbies teacher loves to do?
Cooking, taking photos, travelling, learning Vietnamese, and trying new things!
TEACHER - Do you remember me?: What are 3 jobs teacher had before coming to Vietnam?
Private tutor, volunteer, chef, waiter, construction, baker, and dish washer!
ROLEPLAY: Explain your manager's schedule to an important client
fill in the following blanks
Roleplay: Meeting an old colleague from another country.
Fill out the following CONFERENCE ROOM RESERVATION form
ROLEPLAY: You call a company in order to speak to the manager director to set up a meeting. The person you want to is not available, so give the employee information about 1) who you are, 2) what company you're calling from, 3) reason fcall
When taking a message from a client, what 3 pieces of information do you need to record?
1) name of caller, 2) company they work for, 3) reason for their call, 4) contact information to return their call (phone number), 5) When you should call tback
Give at least 6 vocabulary terms for the given pictures
ROLEPLAY: A customer calls with some questions about your company. Answer his questions!
1) Are you investing, 2) always takes, 3) finishes, 4) are costing, 5) is being, 6) am managing
Conjugate the following sentences with the PAST SIMPLE
1) worked, 2) arrived, 3) went, 4) left, 5) lost
Read the following email. Answer 1) who sent the email? 2) what information does the email give? 3) Do you think the email is written in a FORMAL or INFORMAL way? 4) What's the best way to contact the sender of the email?
1) Anchor hotels, 2) Description of London hotel/talking about a discount, 3) formal, 4) 020 - 8307 - 4001
Read the following email. Answer 1) Who is Jasmine writing to? 2) What is the reason for her email? 3) What request does she make in her email?
1) Anchor hotels, 2) asking about conference facilities at hotel, 3) asking for information about presentation equipment/room sizes/catering facilities
Roleplay the following conversation
Roleplay the following conversation
Answer the following questions about your work
Roleplay the following conversation
Correct the following mistakes in the PRESENT SIMPLE sentences
1) He GOES to bed very early, 2) DO they live in Canada, 3) I usually cook dinner for my family, 4) DO they have a meeting every week, 5)She DOESN'T like tennis
Do you know the vocabulary for the following 9 pictures? (You're allowed 1 mistake when answering)
desk, files, printer, briefcase, laptop, file cabinet, stapler, paper clip, scissors
Roleplay the following conversation
Answer the 3 questions about telling the time
A, C & B
Answer the 3 questions about telling the correct time
1) A, B & C
Fill out the following form with the information given on the visitors business card
What are 3 pieces of information you should record when any guest arrives?
Full name, Company of visitor, reason for visit, person they're here to see, filling out a form for visit (if applicable)