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Holiday! Simple past practice

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Finish the sentence: Last year we flew ........
Last year we flew IN AN AEROPLANE Last year we flew TO PARIS / NEW YORK..........
FInish the sentence: Last year I went .............
Example answers: Last year I went to Ibiza. OR Last year I went a beach.
Finish the sentence: Last year we flew ........
Example answers: Last year we flew IN AN AEROPLANE Last year we flew TO PARIS / NEW YORK..........
What's wrong with this sentence? We went to some sweets yesterday
We ATE some sweets yesterday OR We went to THE PARK yesterday
What's wrong with this sentence? Last year I visited spaghetti.
Example answers: Last year I visited A MUSEUM / MY FAMILY IN ENGLAND....... OR Last year I ATE spaghetti.
What's wrong with this sentence? In Paris we ate a museum
In Paris we VISITED a museum OR In Paris we ate CREPES (or any other food)
What did you drink yesterday? I ________ lots of water.
What did you drink yesterday? I DRANK lots of water.
My brother and I ______ some beautiful fish in the sea.
My brother and I SAW some beautiful fish in the sea.
My dad and I ________ some fruit at the market
My dad and I BOUGHT some fruit at the market
I _____ delicious spaghetti yesterday.
I ATE delicious spaghetti yesterday.
My family and I ______ on an aeroplane to Rome last summer
My family and I FLEW on an aeroplane to Rome last summer OR My family and I WENT on an aeroplane to Rome last summer
We ________ a museum last weekend
We visited a museum last weekend
Last year I _________ to Paris
Last year I went to Paris