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Advanced Expert unit 4vocabulary

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I slept really well last night. LOG
I slept like a log last night
I feel that you really disappointed me by not coming to my party. LET
I feel you really let me down
Take your umbrella, the weather forecast says there is going to be a heavy ________ tonight
I am such a _______ sleeper, I wake up at the slightest sound
When she woke up, she realised her alarm hadn't gone off and she had _________
By and _______, I think people feel happy about how he is managing the situation
I don't like to buy a real tree at Christmas, an ________ one is much less messy
He took a deep _______ of breath and then strode on stage to make his speech
She loves him and has vowed to stick with him through thick and _______
Are you watching the match tonight? Yeah, what time is ____ off?
It's late and I don't want to pay for a taxi, can I _______ out at yours tonight?
Dealing with difficult customers in part and _______ of working in customer services
I feel tired today, I am definitely going to have a ______ this afternoon
I shouldn't have had that coffee, I was ______ awake pretty much all of last night
The situation was getting out of control and the police had to call for _______
We must remain cautious to ensure we don't have another ________ of the virus
When one of the sponsors pulled out at the last minute, we knew that it was only a minor ______ and that we would be fine
The label on the medication says it can make you feel __________