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Irregular past tense kita vav

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I (understand the question
I UNDERSTOOD the question
I (think) about you yesterday
I THOUGHT about you yesterday
The teacher (teach) us English
The teacher TAUGHT us English
They (fight) in a boxing match
They FOUGHT in a boxing match
The dog (catch) the ball
The dog CAUGHT the ball
I (buy) her a present for her birthday
I BOUGHT her a present for her birthday
I (bring) in the shopping from the car
I BROUGHT in the shopping from the car
I (fall) down the stairs last week
I FELL down the stairs last week
I (eat) all the chips at the restaurant
I ATE all the chips at the restaurant
We (drive) to school because it was raining
We DROVE to school because it was raining
I (choose) the chocolate flavour ice cream
I CHOSE the chocolate flavour ice cream
The dog (bite) me yesterday
The dog BIT me yesterday
She (shut) the door behind her
She SHUT the door behind her
I (read) a great book last week
I READ (red) a great book last week
I (put) my hat on
I PUT my hat on
I (let) my sister borrow my dress
I LET my sister borrow my dress
Yesterday I (fall) and (hurt) my leg
Yesterday I FELL and HURT my leg
He (hit) the ball very far
He HIT the ball very far
The apples (cost) 10 dollars
The apples COST 10 dollars
This morning I (put) on my coat
This morning I PUT on my coat
Yesterday I (fall) off my chair!
Yesterday I FELL off my chair!
Yesterday I (eat) a hamburger
Yesterday I ATE a hamburger
We (drive) to school in the morning
We DROVE to school in the morning
Last night, I (choose) my favourite flavour ice cream
Last night, I CHOSE my favourite flavour ice cream
I (break) my leg on a skiing trip last month
I BROKE my leg on a skiing trip last month
last week, my cat (bite) me
last week, my cat BIT me
Our vacation last summer (cost) a lot of money
Our vacation last summer COST a lot of money
The flowers (smell) good this morning
The flowers SMELT good this morning
Last weekend I (see) my grandparents
Last weekend I SAW my grandparents
Yesterday I (hear) a funny story
Yesterday I HEARD a funny story
You (say) that you speak English but now you won't
You SAID that you speak English but now you won't
I (tell) you that secret the other day
I TOLD you that secret the other day
I (make) dinner for my family last night
I MADE dinner for my family last night
Last year I (go) on vacation to Thailand
Last year I WENT on vacation to Thailand
Last year I (get) a cake for my birthday
Last year I GOT a cake for my birthday
Yesterday I (come) home late
Yesterday I CAME home late
Last month I (have) a test
Last month I HAD a test
Last night I (do) my homework
Last night I DID my homework
Last week we (be) sad
Last week we WERE sad
Yesterday I (be) happy
Yesterday I WAS happy