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Advanced Future in the past

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The meeting was supposed to have started by now but it's been delayed. MEANT
The meeting was meant to have started by now but it's been delayed
The bank would close within the year. TO
The bank was to close within the year
We were going to invite John to the party but we knew he wouldn't come. WOULD
We would have invited John to the party but we knew he wouldn't come
I never dreamt I _______ win the lottery! I can't believe it!
I ___________ to complete all of the project before I went on holiday (aim)
was aiming
The film _________ in 5 minutes so we didn't have time to get popcorn (start)
was starting
The Queen ____________ opened the new hospital but it was the Prince that actually did it
was to have
He was about to close the gate when a large group of passengers arrived. ON
He was on the point/verge of closing the gate when a large group of passengers arrived
Weren't you meant to leave for Paris today ? DUE
Weren't you due to leave for Paris today?
The government was ____________ eliminated the tax on solar power by this time last year but they changed their minds
was to have
Nobody predicted that James ______to become a famous singer
I _________ to call you but my phone ran out of battery
was going to
Can I do it tomorrow? I _____ just __________ go home
was just about to
I was _______ to study Italian at university but in the end, I chose history
I was to _____ a job in my cousin's company but in the end, they went bankrupt (take)
have taken
He was on the ________ of leaving when his friends called round
I was ___________ to go to France on holiday this year but I will have to wait until next year
At 18 years of age, he moved to Milan, where he ______ spend 12 years of his life