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Advanced Expert unit 1b grammar - passive

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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They say the burglars entered through an upstairs window. It _________. The burglars _________
It is said that the burglars entered through an upstairs window. The burglars are said to have entered through an upstairs window
We know that Queen Elizabeth II was the world's longest reigning female monarch. It _________ Queen Elizabeth II __________
It is known that Queen Elizabeth II was the world's longest serving monarch. Queen Elizabeth II is known to have been the world's longest reigning monarch
The teacher doesn't let her students use their mobiles in class
The students are not allowed/permitted to use their mobiles in class
They should not have elected him
He should not have been elected
They made John tell the truth
John was made to tell the truth
All students must take an exam next week
An exam must be taken next week
They think that the weather will get worse next week. It __________ The weather _________
It is thought that the weather will get worse next week. The weather is thought to get worse next week
How did your car ___________? (damage)
get damaged
I think I'll _____ my teacher to help me with this
We'd better ________ the children stay indoors seeing as it's raining
I _______ my brother to help me with my homework last week
The teacher was so disappointed with the students' work that he _____ them do it again
I need the day off work tomorrow to take my car to the garage. I'm __________ my tyres _________
having/getting, changed/replaced
If you are feeling dizzy, you should _______ your blood pressure _________
have/get, checked
The hairdresser cut my hair last week (HAD) I ____________ last week
I HAD my hair cut last week
The fire destroyed 2 expensive paintings (understand)
It is understood that 2 expensive paintings were destroyed by the fire. 2 expensive paintings are understood to have been destroyed by the fire
They believe the police arrested the suspects last week. It _________. The suspects ________
It is believed that the suspects were arrested last week. The suspects are believed to have been arrested last week
People say that the British drink a lot of tea. It is ______________. The British are ____________
It is said that the British drink a lot of tea. The British are said to drink a lot of tea.