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Comparisons for Kids

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who is LAZIER - the sloth or you?
X is lazier than...
Which is probably HEAVIER - the elephant or the car?
the elephant is heavier than the car
Which food is HEAVIER - the fast food or the fruits?
the fruits are heavier than the fast food
Who is WETTER?
the boy with black hair is wetter than the boy with yellow hair
Who is MORE CAREFUL - driver A or B?
A is more careful than B
Which person is LOWER on the mountain - Marlene or Thomas?
Thomas is lower than Marlene
Who has the BETTER test score, the boy or the girl?
the boy has better test score than the girl
The man in blue is stronger than the man in red
Who is in DEEPER water?
John is in deeper water than  ...
the horse is friendlier than the hippo
Which sum is MORE DIFFICULT?
sum B is more difficult than sum A 
Which is OLDER (less MODERN)?
the analog phone is older than the digital phone
Which is more EXPENSIVE - a diamond ring or a plastic ring?
a diamond ring is more expensive than the plastic ring
Which is MORE DANGEROUS - the snake or the eagle?
A snake is more dangerous than an eagle
Mr Bean is funnier than Harry Potter
the salad is healthier than the burger
Which is LOUDER?
the trumpet is louder than the guitar
Which is SWEETER?
Honey is sweeter than watermelon.
Which is SHORTER?
the blue pencil is shorter than the yellow pencil
Who is THINNER (man 1 or 2)?
the man  2 is thinnier than man 1
Which is HOTTER?
the sun is hotter than the coffee
Which is COLDER?
the ice cube is colder than the fridge
the red car is more modern than the yellow car
Which can jump HIGHER?
the kangaroo jump higher than the rabbit
Which is FASTER? (snail-turtle)
the turtle is faster than the snail
Which is SAFER?
the bike is safer than the motorbike
Which is BIGGER?
the dog is bigger than the cat
Who is TALLER?
the man is taller than the girl