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Present Perfect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We have lived in this house ... 1999
We have lived in this house since 1999
Roger Federer has played tennis ... he was a child
Roger Federer has played tennis since he was a child
... have you had this telephone number?
How long have you had this telephone number?
My brother ________________ a car before. (not drive)
My brother hasn't driven a car before.
I _______________ London 4 times. (visit)
I have visited London 4 times.
I ___________ a cold since last week. (have)
I have had a cold since last week.
It __________________ raining all day. (not stop)
It hasn't stopped raining all day.
We ______________ her today. (not see)
We haven't seen her today.
The dog __________________ its leg. (break)
The dog has broken its leg.
She __________________ her phone at home. (forget)
She has forgotten her phone at home.
___________________ at this company for a long time? (you / work)
Have you worked at this company for a long time?
They _______________ here all their life. (live)
They have lived here all their life.
She ________________ to London 3 times this month. (fly)
She has flown to London 3 times this month.
I ________________ a present for my sister's birthday. (buy)
I have bought a present for my sister's birthday.
We _________________ the dog. (lose)
We have lost the dog.
_______________ your exam to the teacher? (you / give)
Have you given your exam to the teacher?
____________________ the new Marvel film? (you / see)
Have you seen the new Marvel film?
The author ________________ a series of history novels. (write)
The author has written a series of history novels.
My mum _______________ a cake for the party tonight. (make)
My mum has made a cake for the party tonight.
The football team ____________ the championship six times. (win)
The football team has won the championship six times.
The children ___________________ their homework. (finish)
The children have finished their homework.
He _________________ the piano for 5 years. (play)
He has played the piano for 5 years.