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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How many colours are in the rainbow?
seven (dance on the spot for 7 seconds)
How many legs does a spider have?
8 (4 squats)
What's the response to "see ya later alligator?"
"in a while crocodile" (hop on one foot for 5 seconds)
How many bones do sharks have?
zero (3 pushups)
Why do things fall when you drop them?
Gravity (6 toe touches)
Which superhero can climb up walls and buildings?
Spiderman (jog on the spot for 10 seconds)
What color are a zebra's stripes when they are first born?
Brown ( 10 second plank)
What is the largest ocean on Earth?
The Pacific (5 sit ups)
What sweet snack is usually left out for Santa?
Cookies (10 toe touches)
What's the name of the cowboy in Toy Story?
Woody (Free points)
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
SpongeBob Square Pants (8 pushups)
What has more sugar, strawberries or lemons?
Lemons (10 second flamingo)
What was the first animal in space?
A dog (5 back leg lifts)
Which planet is closest to Earth?
Mercury (10 second V hold)
What color are the spots on a typical ladybug?
Black(5 sit ups)
What is the sweet food created by bees?
Honey (10 second flamingo)
What is the fastest land animal?
Cheetah (10 high knees)
Name a mammal that can't jump.
Elephant,sloth,hippo,rhino (10 jumping jacks)
How many noses does a slug have?
4 (6 back leg lifts)
What is state capital of Canada?
Ottawa (5 second plank)
Where is a shrimp's heart located?
It's head (2 lunges)
Can a crocodile lick out it's tongue?
No (6 jumping jacks)
How much does a cloud weigh?
1.1 million pounds (GREAT JOB! PASS)
What platform do we use for distance learning?
Google Classroom (5 second mountain climbers)
If you have a pound of bricks and a pound of feathers, which weighs more?
Neither, they both weigh a pound (3 side lunges)
You and a partner do....
5 Bicycles
What is 5x6?
30 (6 high knees)
What is one thing written on our class agreement?
Look at class contract, answers will vary (5 Crunches)
How many sides does a quadrilateral have?
4 (7 jumping jacks)
What color do you wear on St. Patrick's day?
Green (5 lunges)
What is a growth mindset we can say for math?
(Math wall answers will vary) (5 second flamingo)