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Comparatives As... as / not as ...as

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bonus ! Win 10 points
Bonus ! Win 10 points
(mouse- elephant)  is not ..... big ... 
A mouse is not as big as an elephant
(Emma- John) is not ..... tall....
Emma is not as tall as John
Bonus! Win 5 points
Bonus! Win 5 points
Bonus! Win 20 points
Bonus! Win 20 points
(Cat- tiger) is not..... dangerous ....
A cat is not as dangerous as a tiger
(Pete-Tom) is ..... old .....
Pete is as old as Tom.
(turtle- snail) is not .... slow....
A turtle is not as slow as a snail
(hummingbird- swan) is... beautiful ....
A hummingbird is as beautiful as a swan
(eagle- vulture) is ... fast ....
An eagle is as fast as a vulture
(peacock-parrot) is ..... colourful .....
A peacock is as colourful as a parrot
(vulture- hummingbird)is not ....small .....
A vulture is not as small as a hummingbird
(hummingbird- swan) is..... beautiful .....
A hummingbird is as beautiful as a swan