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Indirect questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the indirect question for: Why is your little sister crying again?
Can you tell me why is your little sister crying again? Do you know why your little sister is crying again?
What is the indirect question for: How does he study English?
Do you know how he studies English? / Can you tell me how does he study English?
What is the indirect question for: Why does your friend study karate?
Do you know why your friend studies karate? /
What is the indirect question for: When does this bus stop near UNA?
Do you know when this bus stops near UNA?
What is the direct question for: Can you tell me who the best teacher is?
Who is the best teacher?
What is the indirect question for: How old is your girlfriend? She looks old...
Could you tell me how old is your girlfriend?
Is this question correct? Can you tell me how much vegetables do you eat per week?
What is the indirect question for: Why does your friend study karate?
Do you know why your friend studies karate?
What is the indirect question for: How long has he had that car?
Do you know how long has he had that car?
What is the indirect question for: Is she married?
Do you know if she is married? / Can you tell me if she is married?
What is the direct question for: Could you tell me if she paid for the dinner?
Did she pay for the dinner?
Is this question correct? Do you know when do the bank closes?
No. The correct question is: Do you know when does the bank close?
What is the indirect question for: Can he speak French?
Do you know if/whether he speaks French?
What is the indirect question for: Will it rain tonight?
Do you if it will rain tonight?
What is the direct question for: Can you please tell me where have you been?
Where have you been?
What is the direct question for: Do they have a new car?
Do you know if/whether they have a car?