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Math Review
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mr. Will bought cookies for $6.50. What is next dollar?
Mrs. Murphy had $10.00. She spent $8.50 on her lunch. How much does she have left?
Mrs. Fran bought her dog a treat for $1.79. What is next dollar?
Ms. Murph wants pizza. Domino's is $6.00 and Pizza Hut is $8.00. What is the better buy?
Ms. Monica bought a cake for $12.99. What is next dollar?
Cameron had $20.00. He spent $16.45 at McDonald's. How much does he have left?
David found a baseball hat for $8.75. What is next dollar?
Regan had to choose between chips for $5.50 or Cheetos for $3.99. What is the better buy?
Jacob bought brownies for $4.63. What is next dollar?
Jomari watched Dancing with the Stars. There were 4 girls and 2 boys on the show. How many in all?
6 People
Miki had $10.00. She spent $3.00 on a Harry Potter pin. How much does she have left?
Chris bought a snake shirt for $10.00 and socks for $2.00. What is his total?
Dylan's Hot Wheels cost $12.89. What is next dollar?