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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't ......... like going to the theatre. (Nie mam ochoty iść do teatru.)
I don't feel like going to the theatre.
The .......... was old and broken. (Sprzęt był stary i zepsuty.)
The equipment was old and broken.
The flight has been ................ (Lot został odwołany.)
The flight has been cancelled.
Can you ...... me the sugar? (Czy możesz podać cukier??
Can you pass me the sugar?
It's not ............. here. (Nie jest tutaj bezpiecznie.)
It's not safe here.
I have to look ........ my sister. (Muszę opiekować się siostrą.)
I have to look after my sister.
He is the ........... of the restaurant. (On jest właścicielem tej restauracji.)
He is the owner of the restaurant.
I'm interested .... physics. (Interesuję się fizyką.)
I'm interested in physics.
You will ................. it! (Będziesz tego żałować!)
You will regret it!
I'm looking ....... my mobile. (Szukam mojej komórki.)
I'm looking for my mobile.
He .......... in love with a beautiful girl. (Zakochał się w pięknej dziewczynie.)
He fell in love with a beautiful girl.
We will ............ swimming caps. (My zapewnimy czepki.)
We will provide swimming caps.
This will be an .............. experience. (To będzie niezapomniane doświadczenie.)
This will be an unforgettable experience.
I .......... cooking classes. (Chodzę na zaj. gotowania)
I attend cooking classes.
at the .......... of fifteen ( wieku 15 lat)
at the age of fifteen
This model is .................... (Ten model jest wodoodporny.)
This model is waterproof.
Can anyone ............. me what to do? (Czy ktoś może mi doradzić co zrobić?)
Can anyone advise me what to do?
He ....... angry. (On się wkurzył.)
He got angry.
Can you ......... me the bread? (Czy możesz podać mi chleb?)
Can you pass me the bread?
You won't ................. it! (Nie uwierzysz!)
You won't believe it!
Take some ............ with you. (Weź ze sobą jakieś przekąski.)
Take some snacks with you.
That's a ................... (Jaka szkoda.)
That's a pity. / That's a shame.
My parents have already ............... a hotel. (Moi rodzice już zarezerwowali hotel.)
My parents have already booked a hotel.
I spent ........................... outdoors. (Spędziłem dużo czasu na dworze.)
I spent a lot of time outdoors.
He didn't .............. about me. (On o mnie nie pamiętał.)
He didn't remember about me.
A special guest .................. (przybył) at our house.
A special guest arrived at our house.