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Animal Comparatives

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is more playful? Cat or Bull
 A Cat is more playful than a bull
Which is sneakier? Lizard or Monkey
A Monkey is sneakier than a lizard
Which is fiercer? Sloth or Tiger
A Tiger is fiercier than a sloth
Which is more colorful? Zebra or Chameleon
A Chameleon is more colorful than a zebra
Which is  clever? Fox or Fly
A Fox is  clever than a fly.
Which is shorter? Rat or Bear
A Rat is shorter than a bear
Which is smaller? Turtle or Rabbit
A turtle is smaller than a rabbit.
Which is more intelligent? Goldfish or Dolphin
A Dolphin is more intelligent than a goldfish
Which is noisier? Owl or Parrot
A Parrot is noisier than an owl
Which is longer? Worm or Snake
A Snake is longer than a worm
Which is stronger? Deer or Crocodile
A Crocodile is stronger than a deer
Which is heavier? Goat or Elephant
An Elephant is heavier than a goat
Which is bigger? Spider or Ant
A spider is bigger than an ant.
Which is taller? Penguin or Giraffe
A Giraffe is taller than a penguin
Which is more dangerous? Duck or Wolf
A Wolf is more dangerous than a duck
Which is smaller? Kitten or Cat
A Kitten is smaller than a cat.
Which is faster? Mouse or Snail
A Mouse is faster than a snail
Which is bigger? Chicken or Cow
A Cow is bigger than a chicken