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US President

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which president, nicknamed "Teddy", inspired the name for the Teddy Bear?
Theodore Roosevelt
How often are presidential elections?
Every 4 years
How many different presidents have been impeached?
Only 3 (Andrew Johnson, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump)
Which president passed the thirteenth amendment, freeing all slaves?
Abraham Lincoln
Which of the following was a major problem when Washington took office as president?
Paying off the war debts from the American Revolution
Who was the tallest president?
Abraham Lincoln at 6´4"
Which president did people debate about not being born in America?
Barack Obama
Which president served the longest (12 years)?
Franklin D Roosevelt
Who was the first woman president?
Trick! Still haven't had one
What president was assassinated while sitting in an open car in a parade through Dallas, Texas?
John F Kennedy
Where was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?
In a theater
Who was president at the time of the September 11 attack in 2001?
George W Bush
How many terms can one serve as president?
Two terms of 4 years
Where do the Presidents live?
The White House
How many presidents have there been until now?
To which president did Marilyn Monroe sing happy birthday?
John F Kennedy
Franklin D Roosevelt served as president from 1933-1945, during WWII and what other major event in Americn history where he created the Social Security program?
The Great Depression
Who is on the penny and the $5 bill?
Abraham Lincoln
Who is on the $1 bill?
George Washington
Who was the first president?
George Washington
Who served as president during the American Civil War?
Abraham Lincoln
Who basically started the first 2 major political parties in the US?
Alexander Hamilton & Thomas Jefferson
The length of a President's term is ______.
4 years
Who was the first president of the Confederate States of America?
Jefferson Davis