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Review Unit 4-5

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Does he have neat hair or messy hair?
he has messy hair.
Does she have dark curly hair or short blond hair?
dark curly hair.
She has long ______ hair and very big ____
straight - eyes
Describe her hair.
She has short curly black hair.
It has black and white fur. Its tail is long and fluffy. Its claws are sharp for digging. It lives in the forest. What animals is that?
It is a skunk
It lives in a forest. It has a flat face and big eyes. It has two big wings. What animal is that?
It is an owl.
name 5 animals those are awake at night.
They are: owl, fox, bat, wolf, firefly
She _____ ten pigs and eight turkeys in her farm.
It lives in a farm. It has thick fur. It gives us wool to make clothes. What animal is this?
It is a sheep.
This shape has six angles and six sides. What shape is this?
It is a hexagon.
Read aloud 3 words have sound /igh/
right -light - fight - night - .....
Read the words those have sound /oa/: high - rain - goat - milk - coat - right - boat
goat - coat - boat