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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I don't take any sugar in my tea.
I don't take any sugar in my tea.
How ______ homework have you got?
There are a lot of bread on the table.
There is a lot of bread on the table.
There aren't some eggs for lunch.
There aren'tany eggs for lunch.
How many water are there?
How much water is there?
Is it correct: Bob celebrate New Year's Eve with I.
Bob celebrates New Year's Eve with me.
Make into one sentence: Emilia gets her binoculars to play outside. Emilia is bored.
Emilia is bored, so she gets her binoculars to play outside.
Change into the pronouns: He is in the park with his friends. = ???
He is in the park with them.
Change the noun in the sentences to an object pronoun: Gina ate two sandwiches at Tom's house.
Gina ate them at Tom's house.
How often do you do chores in a week?
Is it correct: Emilia never eat noodles for dinner.
Emilia never eats noodles for dinner.
Give three different types of compund nouns.
butterfly, fire station, forty-five
Is it correct: Emilia does homework in the night.
Emilia does homework at night.
We can't see leaves fall _____ the summer.
I were born at 2013.
I was born in 2013.
We never do homework at Friday.
We never do homework on Friday.
If someone is on the Central Avenue, he asks you the direction to the bank. What would you say?
Find the adjectives: big, conductor, beautiful, small, firefighter, busy, black, wax, uniform
big, beautiful, small, busy, black